Tubby shares his new single “Yaar Mila Nahi”, a admirable, praiseworthy masterpiece.

Tubby’s voice sounds like a sentinent, a feeling of consciousness, aware, so memorable, that it would absolutely make you want to listen to it again. He encapsulates the bliss of the feeling that he wants to convey through is songs. The texture of the singers voice makes his vivid imagination come to life, a commanding voice one would say. 

Tubby has released his new single “Yaar Mila Nahi”, a single anchored by his extraordinary vocals and beautifully orchestrated piano, keys and strings. The singer embraces the meaning of a survivors guilt. Death….a phenomenon that no one can escape! He has masterfully camouflaged his inner voices with a false sense of peace. 

“Yaar Mila Nahi” is unlike any modern songs these days but rather something more soulful and solid. An arrangement with beautifully laid down chord progressions on the piano and Tubby’s powerful vocals. The song blossoms into an emotional overdrive as it unfolds. With strings coming in making it sound grand and pure. There’s a violin solo that’s an absolute class which makes you want to immerse yourself as you listen to it. Tubby’s voice is liberating and his songwriting partner Sonam Saini bleeds with emotions through her lyrics. Their endeavor is admirable and bold. 

When asked about the inspiration this is what Tubby had to say, “ To call it an inspiration would be wrong – it’s more about a feeling! The feeling of helpnessness, of anger, of grief and then desperation that follows after loosing a loved one.” He then goes on to talk about his lyrics, he says ”The lyrics talk from the survivors point of view – they’re conversations with themselves and with God. 

The track was actually made in two languages which originally was written in Tamil and later translated to Hindi. 

Very much raw, descriptive “Yaar Mila Nahi” is certainly a creative work one should give a listen to. It adds a fresh take on a meaningful topic, it’s execution is seamless.

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