Bollywood star Varun Dhawan on Monday shared a video of him having a fan second with wrestler Triple H. The actor is seen speaking to the WWE champion and sharing his love for professional wrestling. Varun can be heard confessing that he has been influenced by Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock.
The video exhibits Varun greeting Triple H, whose actual title is Paul Levesque. The actor shares that he’s a die-hard fan and he could also be late to enter the area, but when the wrestler must ship a message out, he is able to assist. Triple H replies that if he opens one thing, he would undoubtedly name Dhawan. The Bollywood actor mentions the wrestler can be stunned to know the way many individuals would come for it. Dhawan then provides how he has adopted many wrestlers like Steve Austin and Dwayne Johnson.
“I’ve had many interactions with Dwayne. I had written to him as soon as and he wrote again. I’ve been influenced by him so much,” Varun Dhawan shares, as Triple H heaps reward on former wrestler turned actor Dwayne Johnson.
“Thanks hhh @tripleh @wwe. One in all my all time favorite wwe superstars hung up his boots at wrestlemania. I used to be lucky sufficient to fulfill him speak to him about my love of professional wrestling and the rock,” Dhawan captioned the publish.
Triple H lately introduced his retirement from in-ring competitors. He revealed his resolution in a snippet of his interview with ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith for Stephen A’s World and stated that he has a defibrillator in his chest and gained’t wrestle once more. This was after he went into coronary heart failure final September following a bout with viral pneumonia.
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