In an interview with India At present, when requested about casting two gifted actors for the ‘Saathiya remake’, Vivek mentioned, ‘Possibly Ranbir and Alia’, taking up his and Rani’s roles respectively. He was additional requested to call one actor he can be eager on seeing within the remake of Firm,to which he mentioned Vicky Kaushal, contemplating his huge on-screen power.
In the meantime, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are most probably to start their marriage ceremony festivities. Whereas the Mehendi ceremony and sangeet ceremony will happen on April thirteenth and April 14th, they’re trying ahead to tying the sacred knot on April fifteenth. Whereas it has been reported {that a} huge fats Punjabi marriage ceremony will likely be happening, the couple has neither issued a press release on the identical nor confirmed the rumours.
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